Happy New Year to all my readers/viewers!
The following blog posts represent the most-read, “liked” and shared content produced in 2018.
Picking winners can be a bit of a weird science. The vagaries of social media and search engine algorithms have more to do with what gets seen than anything else. So, once again, I’ve tried to mix total page views with other metrics, including reader response and comments.
I don’t deliberately chase the news of the day to develop posts (I’d get a lot more traffic if I did) but one or two posts benefitted from topicality.
I’ve added posts which endure beyond initial interest to the Best Of Page.
Counting this one, I made 70 blog posts this year — the record number boosted by November’s 30-day photo challenge, none of which, you’ll notice, appear in this list. Still, I learned a few new things from the exercise and reinforced what I already knew: quantity does not always lead to quality.
As 2018 comes to a close, I’m assessing how to best divide my time between the many tasks involved in maintaining this blog page and the larger website.