Contacting Vancouver’s old Connaught Bridge

Connaught Bridge, Vancouver

Crowd on Old Connaught Bridge at Pacific Blvd., 1984

Sometimes raising these old Eighties Vancouver photos from the obscurity of my filing cabinets can seem a little bit like contacting the dead — ghosts of my personal past as well as the city of my youth. This image of the old Connaught bridge, which spanned False Creek for 75-years, is such a spectre.

I’ve written at length of my own adventures on its bumpy deck and aloft on the airy balcony of the shed that housed swing-span controls. From that spot, I made the negative that became Industry, False Creek. on a cold November morning in 1984.

The photograph above comes from a September day about town (probably on my Nishiki Landau bicycle) beginning at city hall, crossing the Connaught to the newly-built BC Place Stadium and Terry Fox memorial arch (since replaced by statues designed by artist Doug Coupland). From that location, as the sun dropped behind Kitsilano,  I photographed new concrete girders (foundation of the new Cambie Bridge?) and a crowd streaming over the doomed Connaught’s corrugated boardwalk to an event at the stadium.

Construction workers ponder new Cambie Street crossing beside old Connaught Bridge, Vancouver, February, 1983

I must have ridden back over the bridge to Broadway, heading for my room on W. 17th, between Cambie and Oak. I stopped to revisit the (long-gone) perch where, just 15-months before, I had made the Broadway & Heather, 1983 image. The carpet shop was gone, replaced by an indoor plant business. Major modifications had been made to the front of the building (As noted after a more recent visit, all original architectural details have been erased since then). I exposed the final frame on the 12-exposure roll of Ilford FP4 film.

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Contact Sheet

Though I scanned and did preliminary editing of the Crowd on Connaught Bridge photo several years ago, I didn’t complete it until last week, when preparing images for the Vancouver Is Awesome feature. As is often the case when I return to the archive, I notice overlooked frames or I’m reminded to reprint images not committed to paper in decades. Besides the city hall shots, from which I have made silver prints in the past, I think there are a couple more on this contact worth exploring. What do you think?

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  • Joyce Williams - Thanks for the photographs of the connaught bridge. Older and interesting engineering.June 9, 2018 – 2:14 pmReplyCancel

    • Raymond Parker - Thanks Joyce. Glad you enjoyed them.June 11, 2018 – 10:41 pmReplyCancel

  • Nora Parker - Certainly, all great photos of bygone days in Vancouver !!!!!November 13, 2017 – 2:01 pmReplyCancel

    • Raymond Parker - Thank you!November 16, 2017 – 11:47 amReplyCancel

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